Cracks Knuckles…

Tap, Tap, Tap.

What a year, what a year, what a mighty catastrophic year. Being in a constant state of gobsmacked, I could find nothing remotely humorous to say here. Nothing on the front burner of the brain. Nothing on that back. I might’ve totes functioned on the lizard brain for the past 11 months. That’s all I can say about 2020. 

Well, it’s not all I can say, but it’s all I’m going to say. I am optimistic for 2021, as I hope are you. 

Grocery Gerbera!

Here is your Single Shot Monday. This was first used in April of 2020. I’m thinking we could all use a shot of color about now as winter is just beginning, at least in my neck of the woods. 


What have I been doing for the past 11 months, you ask? Okay. You didn’t ask. I’m thinking you’re probably a little gobsmacked, too. Here it is anyway. 

Working on the Chained to the Paint project, social distancing, locally sourcing foods, joining my first CSA (Community Share Agriculture), sourcing masks, learning to love online shopping (not there yet), increasing the vegetable garden this summer, adding more plants indoors, wearing a mask, learning to love curbside pick-up and delivery, adding City Kitty and her mama to our household until the pandemic is over, doom-scrolling social media, educating myself more about how government works in two countries, voting, supporting small businesses, walking, reading, laughing, crying, cooking more than I ever wanted to, and I love to cook, currently in lockdown for the second time, observing the seasons, Netflixing. 

That pretty much sums it up. My list may look somewhat like your list. Or it may not. 

Before the Age of COVID, we were readying our house for sale. Decluttering, downsizing, etc. Heading to the city and all it has/had to offer. We’ll be here at least two more years now. Maybe more. We must rethink everything. 

Having City Kitty and her mama here is a delight. CK lives in a gated community on the second floor while various projects are going on. I really don’t know how delighted she is about that, but she’s not stressed. She is the opposite of stressed. She is a pile of relax lazing all over her domain. 

No. I have not set any goals for 2021, but I do feel like I can sit down and write some words.

Okay. It’s your turn. Tell me what you’re doing, hope to be doing in 2021. Tell me one thing. You have been missed.

And Monday is in the house. 
